Yes, definitely get fitted.
- may be a good idea to go to a bike shop that has a fitting system and pay for an initial fit on one of their demo bikes, so you know what your measurements and limits are before you go shopping. It's a bad idea to buy a bike that's the wrong size, from ignorance or from thinking "I can make it fit"
- for a beginner cyclist, don't get hung up in the differences between the various competing fitting systems. They're all going to give you a good outcome, assuming the guy/gal doing the fitting is experienced and listens to you.
- your "optimal" position will change over time as you get used to riding, develop muscles, increase flexibility, and just by personal preference
- the best thing a fitter can do for you is help you understand why he's setting up the bike the way he is, so that you can understand how to change your fit as your body changes and you gain experience. In other words, learn to be your own fitter, and collaborate with the expert every once in a while to double check.
Have fun,