I'll be going off to college this fall. I've got my eyes on a 24" girl's mountain bike. It is baby blue and I love it so much (i've always wanted a mountain bike, so even when my mom urged me to get a cruiser, i still want a mountain bike). But my mom told me that mountain bikes are not a good choice as a college bike because they are more likely to get stolen (even though the mountain bike I've got my eyes on is just $180), and because there you have change gears and stuff. I don't really understand about the gears. How can gears can a disadvantage in a college campus?
I hate Cruiser bikes just because the way they look. Getting a cruiser would make lose all the enthusiasm for riding the bike. But I know it is more practical. The cruiser has front and back fenders, which is a feature that is a must have at college, especially at mine. (anyways, since mountain bikes are made for mountain riding, shouldn't they need fenders even more so than cruisers?).
So are mountain bikes a bad choice for college?