2010-06-01 20:50:07 UTC
I put a new chain on and sure enough things were much better, but I still managed to get it to skip once in the 20 minutes I rode my bike hard. I was in the largest chainring and one of the smaller rear cogs. I was going downhill, mashing the gears as hard as I could.
I read on another forum that it's impossible for human strength to exert enough energy on a bike to cause a chain skip. However, I'm not sure what else it is. Almost all of my drivetrain is new. My chain is BRAND new. My cassette looks like it's in tip top shape with almost zero wear marks (besides it's almost brand new anyway).
Does anybody have any suggestions? Is it normal to have SOME chain skip when you're pedaling like Lance Armstrong ripping down the street mashing the gears? I just don't get why it happens still.