I can’t see a legitimate question in here.
All I see is some guy trying to spread a bit of hate.
With ”I know where the winner lives” thrown in as vague threat at the end.
Your parents must be so proud.
If doing well in a bike race is THAT easy, why are you letting us in on your secret?
Shouldn’t you be buying a semi-decent bike, entering races and make off with the price money?
If you so cleverly have discovered that competition is weak, why not go pro? Win a few big races, score some nice endorsement contracts, get on the gravy train.
- Only b/c YOU were racing THEM is NO GUARANTEE that THEY were racing YOU.
There are all kinds of races and rides. Not all are expected to include an all-out effort. Some are mainly social events.
Beating people who aren’t trying is not much to brag about.